Friday, November 4, 2011

Singapore Math Administrators Symposium at Scottsdale, Arizona

This is Yeap Ban Har's presentation on Day 2. The three-day symposium was attended by administrators including superintendents, curriculum directors and principals from different parts of the US.

Utah ASCD Conference

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

AMSTI at Birmingham, Alabama

The book I shared is monkey puzzle.

Some questions asked are discussed further at askbanhar

This is the presentation made at the event.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Promise Academy Elementary School, New York

I visited a charter school in New York and taught Grade 2 and Grade 3 classes.

The lessons were both on addition. As the students are the midst of the textbooks, it was not possible for me to know which lessons they were at on the day of the open lesson, I decided to teach lessons which are based on addition but is not part of the textbook lessons.

The purpose of the open lesson is for teachers to understand the fundamenatals of Singapore mathematics curriculum - in particular the big ideas and the problem-solving approach.

In Grade 2, the anchor task is to arrange five consecutive numbers (initially 1-digit numbers and later where the sum is 3-digit)in a cross formation such that the verical sum equals the horizontal sum.

In Grade 3, the anchor task is to make the greatest possible sum (ABCD + EFG) using given digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. Sometimes conditions such as less than 500 are given. Another digit is added to make the greatest sum for ABCD + EFGH but the sum has to be less than 10 000.

I also gave a plenary session to parents and teachers at the end of the day.

This is the plenary presentation.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

NSM Seminar in Jakarta

An updated slides with participants' responses will be uploaded later.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Masterclasses in The Netherlands

These Masterclasses were organized by Bazalt for Dutch educators. The first one on Bar Modeling (MAP111) was attended by about 70 educators and the second one on Fundamentals of Singapore Math (MAP101) was attended by close to 150 educators. This is the second time Masterclasses are held in the country.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Marshall Cavendish Global Forum on Singapore Mathematics

This is the opening plenary lecture.

This year's forum was attended by representatives from different countries among them people from Ministry of Education and Department of Education. Minister of Education (Panama) and Minister of Education (Trinidad & Tobago) were among the delegates.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BSc in Early Childhood Education

Photo: PCF Kindergarten Kembangan having a research lesson

A group of more than 40 kindergarten teachers are studying for their bachelors degree with Wheelock College Boston. The course is held in Singapore under SEED Institute.

Visit the students' blogs at


Monday, August 22, 2011

Fun with Maths

This professional development is run by Educare Pte Ltd for school teachers in Singapore.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Professional Development for K-2 Teachers in Hawaii

The slides for both days are now available.
The event was held at Pearl City Cultural Center in Hawaii.

Day 1

Day 2

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

National Singapore Math Summer Institute Denver 2011

All of Yeap Ban Har's presentation are available here.

Yeap Ban Har's Opening Keynote Lecture.

The core elective session is included below.

This is the session on lesson study.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Primer Encuentro de Formacion Docente

A class of about 60 Chilean educators are completing the courses as part of Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (Primary) programme.

The presentation slides in all the three courses are now available.




Sunday, June 26, 2011

ARK Schools, London

This course was held in London in June 2011.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Seminar for Parents: Bar Model Method

Parents were introduced to the bar model method, covering basic problems to advanced ones. The rationale for the method was also explained.

This is the edited version of the presentation.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bazalt HCO Singapore Math in The Netherlands

Utrecht MasterClass by Bazalt & HCO

This is the first course we offer to teachers. This course is designed to change mindset about what mathematics is and what roles teachers play in the class. Mathematics is a platform to develop thinking. It is not about memorization and following procedures blindly. In this course, teachers get to learn the key roles of visualization, patterns and number sense, plus all the human qualities that children develop when they are in our mathematics class. In Marshall Cavendish Institute, we believe that helping teachers change their mindset about teaching and learning is key to transforming the classroom into exciting places for learners.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

NCTM2011 Sessions

The morning session was on making mathematics accessible to all learners.

The afternoon sessions went to show the bar model method in detail.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This seminar was organized by AME Singapore. The Association for Mathematics Educators is organizing a one-day Mathematics Teachers Conference 2011.