Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Professional Development for Weston Public Schools, Weston Connecticut.

The presentations for the two-day professional development is available here as well as my Goggle Site.

This session was for the whole group.

These were the sessions for middle school teachers.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Singapore Math Institute in Singapore

Look out for another one designed for US teachers (to be held in Singapore), in collaboration with Worcester State University in 2013. Graduate credits are available for this learning journey.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines Tertiary Level International Convention

This plenary lecture hopes to add to the theme of the conference New Paradigms for Mathematics Education: Global Competitiveness. I discussed a pedagogy for teacher preparation based on teachers as learners and teachers as observers.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Woodlands Primary School : Differentiated Instruction

This first set of slides introduces differentiated instruction.

The second set of slides includes examples brought up by teachers during the workshop.
(coming soon)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Seoul Foreign School

Documents related to the three-day course are at Ban Har's Goggle Site.

Presentation on 9 August 2012

Kindergarten Session with Peggy Foo 11 August 2012

Grade 1-2 Session with Peggy Foo 10 August 2012

Grade 3-4 Session with Peggy Foo 10 August 2012

Grade 5-8 Session with Yeap Ban Har 10 August 2012
The materials for both Grade 5-6 and Grade 7-8 sessions are combined.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Oak Lawn Advanced Institute

Course Materials on Goggle Site

Videos on Singapore Education (based on a visit to Singapore schools by an American educator), Singapore Teacher Education (on Singapore as an education reformer and performer) and Kindergarten Lesson on Dice Game. View more videos on Singapore Math taught in a learning centre in Malaysia by goggling mathz4kidz.

Visit our institute's Facebook for updates on Singapore Math institutes taught by Yeap Ban Har.

Presentation on Day 1

Presentation on Day 2 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Houston Advanced Institute

The presentation slides are available here. More materials available at T3 Project website and on BanHar's Goggle Site.

Day 1