Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lecture at ICSME 2014 at University of Philippines

Slides are available here | Slides

International Conference in Science and Mathematics Education is organized by UP NISMED.

Kindergarten Students in Bina bangsa School, Jakarta learning by solving a problem

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

History | Subitizing


How many O are there?

 Did you have to count to tell the number? Most likely you did not count. What you did was to subitize. To subitize is to tell how ,any without counting. In class, we discuss subitizing and counting. A little history. By hanging out at British Museum after work each day, I learnt that earliest humans were in Africa around 250,000 years ago. Notice the comma to help you subitize the zeros so you will not misread the numbers. Some people write it this way 200.000 others 200 000. I suppose you can do 200/000 or 200-000 but apparently those has not caught on! Anyway, we know little about these guys  because not much is left behind except for bits of fossils. Some writers speculate that the ability to subitize evolved in humans and otter primates as well as a couple of other animals to allow them to survive. Wolves are charging at you. If you have to count them to decide to fight or take flight, you are likely to be wolf food. It is likely you can tell how many wolves very quickly, at a glance by subitizing. Two wolves, maybe grab a stick and fight them and you get dinner Five wolves, then better climb that tree lest you become dinner (Wolves cannot climb trees, right? Oops!) | Subitize and History

Monday, October 20, 2014

Course 1 for UK Teachers | Clerkenwell Centre

Day 1 >> click on day 1 to access slides >>

Setting The Context - Data on student achievement over the years were presented.

Teaching through a Problem - What are the features of a mathematics lessons? What are the theoretical underpinnings and research basis for these features?
We did four basic concept lessons (equal parts, addition within forty, subtraction within 100 with regrouping, square) and one word problem lesson (division of three-digit number).

I often say 'Can you see with the eyes in your mind?' in my presentations. It is derived from the common phrase 'in my mind's eyes' which was given to use by Shakespeare (1602 in Hamlet when he write "In my mind's eyes, Horatio."). The concept of having mind's eyes is ancient, dating back to Chaucer (c.1390 when people still spelt funny, he wrote "It were with thilke eyen of his mynde, With whiche men seen, after that they been blynde."). 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Marshall Cavendish Education Conference 2014

Lecture 1 How Singapore Math Improves Student Achievement | Slides Here

Lecture 2 Using Assessment to Differentiate Instruction | Slides Here