Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hong Kong | 23 March 2016

Singapore Curriculum Document

Teach Less, Learn More TLLM
Original Speech by Minister Tharman

TLLM After a Decade

I am teaching a session of the course MSc 6162 Curriculum and Assessment Under Curriculum Reform at Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I am planning to outline the Singapore mathematics curriculum - the development, focus, theoretical underpinnings and implementation. I am using the overarching question - What are the challenges facing high-achieving systems like Singapore and Hong King in terms of curriculum and student assessment? to frame the discussion | Chinese University of Hong Kong
Additional Perspective from another Singapore-based educator.


  1. Wow! You are so efficient - putting the slides on your blog in such a short time. Thanks for visiting CUHK. Thanks for the two interesting talks. I like the seminar in this evening very much. (It happens that I have used 2 sessions to teach problem solving in the course 6161 in the first semester. Many of the students in that course are also the students in the course tonight. I think the students could benefit a lot by looking at the same topic but different perspectives -- one from cognitive psychology; and another from curriculum.) See you some time some where later. (Dr Chan @ CUHK)

    1. It was a pleasure to have academic exchanges like this.

  2. Haha, YC, you are also efficient. Many thanks for your coming! QP

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice post! My university admission request for a good personal statement.
    So I discover more in Google for the resources. Found it!
