Monday, July 25, 2016

Hamburg, Germany | 25-31 August 2016

My invited paper will be presented at TSG4 Activities for, and Research on, Mathematically Gifted Students. I am kicking off Third Session on Friday with the paper Instructional Models and Pedagogical Tools to Encourage and Promote Mathematcial Talents.

Details are available after the presentation 

Kennewick, USA | 23 July 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Las Vegas, USA | 21 July 2016 SDE Session SE02 Lesson Study

Session SE02
Lesson Study and Singapore Math
Through lesson study we achieve a level of precision that makes teaching a profession,
We learn content, pedagogy, pedagogical content knowledge, also to collaborate professionally and to have a lens to look at children and curriculum materials.

Through this session, we get a glimpse of one professional development tool teachers in Singapore use. In terms of content, we considered addition at early grade levels and how making ten is a non negotiable.

In the lesson study discussed as a case study, we saw how teachers learn to move students  away from counting to making ten which is critical. The use of ten frames and the choice of numbers allows more students to access the idea of making ten.

Reference |
Akihiko Takahashi from DePaul University and Catherine Lewis from 

For the ten frame app, search for brainingcamp AMD you will find a bundle that includes various app suitable for elementary school.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Chicago, USA | 19 July 2016

Mathematics lessons that matter develop certain competencies and have certain features. What are they? I spend three sessions over two days to help participants at the institute come to the answers.

See the connections between Long Division in arithmetic and in algebra ....