Grade K-2 Institute focuses on development of number sense and visualization. How do we do that through anchor tasks? Here are slides from the various sessions.
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Opening Session on Developing Number Sense
Children should have many opportunities to decompose numbers (number bonds) and continue to use number bonds in say subtraction and addition. They should move a way from counting methods to making ten and other mental strategies. They learn number sense through concrete materials, interaction, and the use of language.
We discussed the connection between sorting and counting - counting in the same nouns.
These apps are used throughout the institute.
These are concrete materials for counting - ten frames and counters, initially, and base ten blocks, eventually.
We initiated discussion on journaling. Sarah did an entire session on journaling.
Open Lesson to review ideas discussed on Day 1 and to stimulate thinking about DI and assessment.
Student Journal
An anchor task to provide advanced thinking (looking for patterns in a lesson on practice) but also advanced content (doing multiplication on the day when the lesson is on subtraction).
We looked at situations on multiplication.
Session on Assessment
I talked about the types of items on a test that is used for summation assessment. Sarah talked about managing formative assessment data. We talked about formative assessment throughout the institute.
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